2012 CSA Order Form

So here is the order form for the 2012 Spring/Summer CSA. If you already have an account with Doorstep Dairy, you can order right from the Doorstep Dairy Store otherwise this is where you want to be. Doorstep Dairy will be delivering to our current customers of course, and Lancaster, Denver, Ephrata, Reinholds, Reading, Shillingtown, Douglassville, Birdsboro, Morgantown, Elverson, Honey Brook, Coatesville, Downingtown and maybe a few more places. If your in one of these areas, we would be happy to add you to our list of CSA customers. If you are near one of these areas we may be able to add you too.

There are numorous shares that are available this year. When ordering you will be required to purchase a Full or Half Vegetable Share. There are also multiple ‘add-on’ shares that are sure to please. Before you order you may want some more information on what you will be getting. Click on the following shares to learn more about each one.

Full Vegetable Share

Half Vegetable Share

see what variety of veggies you can expect each month (note this is information from our partner, Lancaster Farm Fresh Coop. The LFFC prices are for customers that travel to a ‘pickup’ location each week to get their shares. Doorstep Dairy is offering these same shares and more with the convenience of home delivery)

Fruit Share

Flower Share

CSM (Community Supported Medicine) Share

The Polish Farmers Share

The Dipper Share

The Cheese Sampler Share

You should also know that multiple times throughout the season you will be invited to a potluck at one of the Lancaster Farm Fresh Coop member farms. This is a great opportunity to get out a see first hand where your food is coming from.

After you submit the form you will be sent an invoice. (please allow a few days for this). To secure your share/shares orders must be received by April 20th and full payment must be received by April 30th.

Late orders will be prorated. ie. if you miss the first 2 weeks you will pay for 23 deliveries rather than 25.

Checks can be made and sent to: Doorstep Dairy PO Box 297 Terre Hill, PA 17581

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, please direct them to me, Daryl@DoorstepDairy.com or call 717-283-4060

Fill out my online form.



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