Local. Fresh. Organic. Veggies & Fruit to your doorstep!

Doorstep Dairy is a strong supporter of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). We have been working with the local agriculture community for some time now and are happy to let you know that we are planning to work with Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative (LFFC). LFFC markets and distibutes fresh products for local growers. All growers for LFFC are required to be 100% Organic Certified. Some of the products that LFFC offers are fruit and vegatable shares. Doorstep Dairy will be offering doorstep delivery of these products to our customers.

Watch LFFC video.

What is a CSA?

Full Vegetable Share - $756 for 21 weeks: Delivery of Vegetable Shares run from the week of June 6th through the week of October 24th. The Full Vegetable Share offers shareholders the ultimate local food experience. Dependent on seasonality, shares include 7 to 12 varieties of Certified Organic heirloom and traditional local favorites. Additionally, the Full Share includes a number of unique produce types that allow shareholders to experiment with new recipes and experience new tastes and flavors each week! Full Shares occasionally contain Certified Organic fruit, when abundantly available. Our Full Share is perfect for families and culinary enthusiasts.

Half Vegetable Share - $525 for 21 weeks: Delivery of Vegetable Shares run from the week of June 6th through the week of October 24th. Our basic vegetable subscription package, the Half Share, contains 4 to 9 varieties of local, Certified Organic vegetables each week. Half Shares typically include items like potatoes, onions, lettuce, and squash, depending on the time of the season. The Half Share is a great option for students and small households.

Fruit Share - $240 for 20 weeks: Delivery of Fruit Shares run from the week of June 13th through the week of October 24th. Fruit shareholders will receive 2 to 3 varieties of local fresh fruit and/or value-added fruit products in the Fruit Shares each week. The Fruit Share will contain, at most points during the season, fresh fruit exclusively. When fruit production is very low, in early summer and late full, jams, ciders, and fruit butters may be included. Fruit Shares will include fruit that is grown in keeping with Certified Organic standards and alternative growing methods that adhere to a high level of environmental sensitivity.

For some helpful resources be sure to checkout the LFFC Recipe Group Blog. You will find helpful tips on how to prepare the many things that will show up at your door.

We excited to offer you this oppourtunity to help support local agriculture!


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