Pick Up Sites

Pick Up Sites are places you can stop by to pick up your order.

Pick Up Sites are part of our Ambassador Program. An Ambassador can be an individual or an organization. The ambassador provides a pick up site, oversees pick up day, and receives a portion of sales for their participation. This could be at a personal residence, a place of business, a school, etc. Doorstep Dairy accepts orders through our online store. Orders are prepacked in individual coolers, packed with ice, and delivered to the pick up site. Customers stop by the pick up site during a designated window of time, pickup full coolers and return the empty coolers from the previous week.

Sound's good. Let's go!

  1. 1


    Create a Standing Order and you will never have to shop again.

  2. 2


    Avoid germy shopping carts, long check out lines, the candy aisle, and impulse buying.

  3. 3


    Spend more time doing the important things in life.

Some details

Pick Up Sites are a part of the Doorstep Ambassador Program. An Ambassadors can be an individual or and organization. Ambassadors provide a space for pickups, reach out to their network of people, and oversee the pickup day. In exchange the Ambassador receives a portion of sales to help cover their involvement in the process. Pickup Locations:

  1. Robeson Elementary School/PTO (Beginning in April of 2014)
    801 White Bear Road, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania 19508
    Pickup Day: Every Thursday 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM
  2. Chester County Economic Development Counsel (Beginning in June of 2014)
    737 Constitution Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341
    Pickup Day: Every Wednesday 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM We need 20 participates to begin deliveries to this site.
  3. NHS Chester County 8 Whissell Drive Coatesville, PA 19320
  4. Pickup Day and time have not yet been determined.

    We need 20 participants to begin deliveries to this site.

  5. Lynn Lutz (personal residence)

49 Woodpecker Ln. Shillington, PA 19607

Pickup Day and time have not yet been deternimed.

We need 20 participants to begin deliveries to this site.

Pick Up Sites Form

out my online form.